Enrollment and Completion Rate of Secondary Students in the Philippines: Any insights from the numbers?
This is the culminating activity for Data Viz course for data science graduate program. The focus of the presentation is the enrollment and completion rate of secondary students in the Philippines from 2006–2015.The data was presented by covering all the regions in the Philippines and to see what regions have the highest and lowest numbers when it comes to enrollment and completion rate. Dropout rate visualization per region was also generated in the report. This project aims to see any connection of social issues to low enrollment and completion rate of the specific region.
It wishes to answer the following questions:
- What is the status of the net enrollment and completion rate in the Philippines?
- What region has the lowest/highest enrollment and completion rate?
- What is the relationship of completion rate to dropout rate?
- Will it be possible to relate social issue to low completion and enrollment rate?
Let us see first the stand of the world in education sector.
The world’s status for the completion rates for basic education is declining and this is alarming. According to UNESCO, the Philippines is rank 83 in 2015 and rank 85 in 2018 for the global ranking of school enrollment.
Meanwhile, in the Philippines…
For us to understand this number, it’s better to look the data by region. Below figure shows the secondary net enrollment rate per region. ARMM has the worst performance in secondary net enrollment and completion rate.
Another thing is to look at the dropout rate and see if dropout rate is relatable to the worst performance of completion rate. Below figure shows that ARMM is still the highest among the regions.
One question that you might ask is, Why ARMM? Will it be possible to see any relationship in social context with education enrollment and completion rate? From this figure, we can relate why the education sector is most affected in ARMM because the this region has the highest poverty incidence among families among all the regions. The right figure is alarming because the provincial data shows a huge percentage of poverty incidence.
Conclusion and Insights:
ARMM has the lowest enrollment and completion rate from 2006 to 2016. Other region has similar trend when it comes to enrollment and completion rate.
Inconsistencies of trend has been concluded in ARMM for both enrollment and completion rate.
Dropout rate of ARMM is the highest among all the regions. Other regions are less than 12%.
There is correlation between completion and dropout rate. However, comparison cannot be made in enrollment rate to dropout rate due to differences in reference (enrollment reference is population while dropout reference is the total enrollment).
Based on poverty incidence among families per region, ARMM garnered the highest spot. Findings on low enrollment and completion rate is correlated with poverty incidence.